Es el primer uniforme que está amparado bajo las normas de propiedad intelectual
Toda orden religiosa tiene su vestimenta particular y si hay algo que distingue a la congregación de Misioneras de la Caridad es su sencillo sari (vestido tradicional de la India) de color blanco con rayas azules.
En el 2016, casi dos décadas después de la muerte de la Madre Teresa, finalmente se logró que este traje fuera registrado como marca con el fin de proteger su uso indiscriminado e injusto.
Las hermanas de la congregación sostenían que la Madre Teresa había dicho varias veces antes de morir que no deseaba que su nombre fuera usado con fines comerciales, por lo que estaban descontentas con que se vendieran los saris de su congregación como souvenirs (o, peor aún, disfraces), incluso alegando falsamente que parte de las ganancias serían donadas a la congregación.
Por eso, en el 2013, el abogado Biswajit Sarkar (que reside en Calcuta y trabaja pro-bono para la orden) solicitó que el sari de las Misioneras de la Caridad fuera registrado como marca para protegerlo. Registrar un color o un estampado no es fácil, pero el gobierno indio finalmente les concedió la propiedad intelectual el 4 de septiembre de 2016, el mismo día que la Madre Teresa fue canonizada por el Papa Francisco.
El reconocimiento se hizo de forma silenciosa y las hermanas decidieron no hacerlo demasiado público en concordancia con sus preceptos de humildad. Sin embargo, el abogado sí quiso destacar que es el primer uniforme que está protegido bajo los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Asimismo, Sarkar declaró en aquel entonces que, si hay alguien que quiera utilizar el diseño legalmente, puede hacer la solicitud a la orden y, si se demuestra que no hay ningún fin comercial, se le concede el derecho.
El austero sari de la Madre Teresa data de finales de los años 40, cuando ella le pidió permiso a Roma para empezar a utilizarlo con una pequeña cruz sobre su hombro izquierdo (símbolo de el Cristo crucificado como la llave para el corazón). El color blanco significa pureza y verdad, mientras que las tres rayas azules (color asociado a la Virgen María) en los bordes representan los votos que hacen las religiosas: el primero es la pobreza, el segundo es la obediencia y el tercero es la castidad y el servicio sin reservas a los más pobres. Las novicias utilizan solamente el sari blanco sin líneas hasta que pronuncias sus votos.
Santa Teresa de Calcuta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Ro
Nuns of the Missionary of Charity, the religious order founded by Mother Teresa of Kolkata, pass by the mother’s relics during her canonisation, in Saint Peter square at the Vatican, on September 4, 2
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
Roman Catholic nuns of the Missionaries of Charity order pray at the tomb of Mother Teresa at a service to commemorate the 20th death anniversary of Mother Teresa at the Missionaries of Charity house in Kolkata on September 5, 2017.
Pope Francis on September 4, 2016 proclaimed Mother Teresa a saint, hailing her work with the destitute of Kolkata as a beacon for mankind and testimony of God’s compassion for the poor. The revered nun’s elevation to Roman Catholicism’s celestial pantheon came in a canonisation mass in St Peter’s square presided over by Pope Francis. / AFP PHOTO / Dibyangshu SARKAR
Roman Catholic nuns of the Missionaries of Charity order pray at the tomb of Mother Teresa at a service to commemorate the 20th death anniversary of Mother Teresa at the Missionaries of Charity house in Kolkata on September 5, 2017.
Pope Francis on September 4, 2016 proclaimed Mother Teresa a saint, hailing her work with the destitute of Kolkata as a beacon for mankind and testimony of God’s compassion for the poor. The revered nun’s elevation to Roman Catholicism’s celestial pantheon came in a canonisation mass in St Peter’s square presided over by Pope Francis. / AFP PHOTO / Dibyangshu SARKAR
KOLKATA, INDIA: At Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Disabled Children) The Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity (Saint Teresa of Calcutta) dance with joy with the children that they care for. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for children that have been abandoned, or are underprivileged.
Sister Nirmala, successor to Mother Teresa, lights a candle as he is joined by fellow nuns and volunteers of the Missionaries of Charity to celebrate the 97th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa at the Mother House at the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata, 26 August 2007. Hundreds of nuns of the house with a number of volunteers took part in the morning service to mark the day. Mother Teresa was born 26 August, 1910 in what is now Skopje, Macedonia. AFP PHOTO/Deshakalyan CHOWDHURY
KOLKATA,INDIA –JUNE 23: Sister Nirmala, who succeeded Mother Teresa as the head of the Missionaries of Charity founded by the Nobel laureate, died this morning. She was 81.(Photo by Subir Halder/India Today Group)
KOLKATA, INDIA – NOVEMBER 12: Slum dwellers live by a railroad track Kolkata, India. India’s slum population is projected to rise to 93.06 million by 2011, or 7.75 percent of the total population, according to a report of an expert committee set up by the housing and urban poverty alleviation ministry. (Photo by Kuni Takahashi/Getty Images)
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
PICTURED: The Missionaries of Charity watching the Canonization broadcast live from Rome.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India. A small group of children sang songs for the lead up event to the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa.
PICTURED: Sr. Joan of Arc M.C. with the singing group from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) in Calcutta.
KOLKATA, INDIA 4 SEPT: Images from the Canonization of Saint Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse in Calcutta, India.
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for children that have been abandoned, or are underprivilged.
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for children that have been abandoned, or are underprivilged.
KOLKATA, INDIA 1 SEPT: Images from the Saint Teresa School, located about 200 meters from the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa taught at the school, and began her first efforts at serving the poor from a stairwell within the school. She provided medicine for those who were unable to afford it.
PICTURED: Students of the St Teresa School (now coed).
Exterior of the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity, located at 54A, A.J.C. Bose Road, Calcutta, is the headquarters of the international religious congregation of the Missionaries of Charity. It has been home to Mother Teresa and her sisters from February 1953 to the present day. It is here that Mother lived, prayed, worked, and guided her religious family of sisters spread across the world. It is here that her body was laid to rest.
KOLKATA,INDIA SEPT 1: Exterior of the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity
Exterior of the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity
The Saint Teresa School, located about 200 meters from the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa taught at the school, and began her first efforts at serving the poor from a stairwell within the school. She provided medicine for those who were unable to afford it.
Saint Teresa School
KOLKATA, INDIA 1 SEPT: Images from the Saint Teresa School
Images from the Saint Teresa School
Images from the Saint Teresa School
School Principal, Sr. Zita M.C.
School Principal, Sr. Zita M.C.
School Principal, Sr. Zita M.C.
Students of the St Teresa School
Students of the St Teresa School with Sr. Zita M.C.
Students of the St Teresa School
Students of the St Teresa School
Students of the St Teresa School
The actual stairs that Mother Teresa would sit upon and distribute medicine from to those in need.
Images from ST. TERESA’S CHURCH, Moulali. This was the Parish where Mother Teresa was stationed and began her first medical dispensary. Mother Teresa taught at the Parish School in the late 1920s into the Middle of 1930.HistorySt. Teresa of Avilas Chapel was built in 1889. The foundation stone of the present church was laid on the 28th December 1895. the Church was blessed by Msgr. Goethals on 22nd April 1897. The parish was canonically established on 25th April 1897. The church was renovated and made two double storied church on 22nd April 1997.
KOLKATA, INDIA: Indian nuns of Missionaries of Charity gesture as they sing rhymes standing beside a big potrait of the late Mother Teresa while taking part in a prayer to observe her 8th death anniversary, at Mother House in Kolkata, 05 September 2005. A few hundred nuns with a good number of volunteers took part in the morning prayer to mark the day. AFP PHOTO/Deshakalyan CHOWDHURY (Photo credit should read DESHAKALYAN CHOWDHURY/AFP/Getty Images)
Albanian Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) at a hospice for the destitute and dying in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 1969. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 1 SEPT: Images from the Saint Teresa School, located about 200 meters from the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa taught at the school, and began her first effor
KOLKATA, INDIA 1 SEPT: Images from the Saint Teresa School, located about 200 meters from the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa taught at the school, and began her first effor
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
KOLKATA, INDIA 2 SEPT: Images from Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Home for Children) located on 78, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata. The Sisters and volunteers provide medical care, housing and nourishment for chil
Mother House, Kolkata: Martin Luther King III prays at Saint Mother Teresa’s tomb.
Al principio, compraban los saris, pero a medida que fue creciendo la orden, se dieron cuenta que era difícil conseguirlos en grandes cantidades y además vieron la oportunidad de ayudar a los enfermos de lepra.
Cuando las hermanas abrieron el hospital Gandhiji Prem Niwas en 1958, se dieron cuenta de que muchos de los leprosos no tenían trabajo porque los discriminaban por su padecimiento, así que les compraron lana y, además de darles alimento, atención médica y ropa, les pagaban un salario por ello.
Por supuesto, no han tardado en salir modelos con pequeñas modificaciones (una raya más o colocarle mangas largas), así que el abogado espera que se revise la ley aprobada y se puedan tomar medidas en cuanto al cumplimiento de la misma.
Mientras tanto, el sari de las Misioneras de la Caridad seguirá siendo una vestimenta tanto práctica (el algodón es perfecto para el clima caluroso) como caritativa y, sobre todo, simbólica.
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