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Mar Mediterráneo: Un gran cementerio

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A handout picture released on February 21, 2017 by the Al-Zawiyah Branch of the Libyan Red Crescent shows Libyan Red Crescent volunteers recovering the bodies of 74 migrants that washed ashore on February 20 near Zawiyah on Libya’s northern coast. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said the boat was reported to have foundered leaving as many as 100 people dead. The agency said that if confirmed, the deaths would bring the total number of migrants killed trying to cross the Mediterranean so far this year to more than 365. / AFP PHOTO / Al-Zawiyah Branch - Libyan Red Crescent / Amin ELAMR / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / AL-ZAWIYAH BRANCH - LIBYAN RED CRESCENT / AMIN ALAMR" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

Aleteia Image Department - publicado el 22/02/17




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